Our team is comprised of dedicated members who seek to promote our clients' websites.  Each member has a specialized role in the company that focuses on an equally important aspect of website promotion. 

Featured Team Members

Domestic Traffic

Founder of Domestic Traffic with goal of exposing customers websites to as many new faces as possible through the internet.  Adam also provides all of the SEO analysis for clients, using extensive training and research in search engine requirements.

Canadian Yard Sale

Sean is an experienced eBay marketing guru.  His techniques prove to outperform the success rates of all standard eBay sellers.  This has allowed us to grow our clientele at a rapid rate, which leads to greater exposure for our customers websites.

Dos Amigos Advertising

Lynn provides advanced support to webmasters who seek to find new sales leads.  He has created an extensive network of web partners.  This partnership allows us to create publicity and find interested customers for many specific targeted areas.

Million Hits Traffic

Keith is our expert in sales.  His proven skills in content creation will help convert our clients' existing visitors into returning customers. 


David works with our customers to provide excellent content creation.  He specializes in HTML, PHP, and Blogs.  David's designs are clean and easy to navigate and making sure your customers will easily find what they are seeking.